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Why list on SafariNow?

No upfront costs

It's completely free to list your establishment on our site, we only charge a small referral fee on bookings that we generate

Receive global exposure

Reach global travellers via Travelstart, SafariNow and partner sites

Boost your bookings

Promote your establishment to over 1 million users every month

Deal direct

You deal directly with your customers, no middle man

Safe and secure

We handle all payments for you using a secure payment system

Dedicated support

Our team is always on hand to help

Here's what our establishments have to say

Thank you for your wonderful support over the past 2 years.

Zelda Stroud 2020-06-30 - Muse - Artist's Retreat

Thank you for your assistance during the years with you.

Pat Rutherford 2020-06-20 - Ruthers Place

About SafariNow

With over 86000 listed establishments and more than 1 million monthly visitors, SafariNow is one of the biggest and most established travel booking networks - and we're growing by the day. For the past 15 years, we've worked tirelessly to craft the ultimate online travel service - one that leads the world from our African roots. And we're only just getting started...

Own a guesthouse or apartment?

List your property and start earning while welcoming guests into your place.